Thursday 9 January 2014

Dredd (2012)

Not to in any way be confused with the less than stellar 1993 Stallone Interpretation.  The writing team includes the co creator of the Dredd comic character and writers behind 28 Day Later and  the book A History of Violence which was adapted to make one of David Cronenburg's better movies. Two of this group also wrote the Stallone movie, I wonder if Sylvester has an unaccredited credit for the finished product. Danny Cannon a veteran TV director makes a heck of a rookie debut commanding the big screen.

The dystopian city of the future is perfectly realistic. Interesting that it was filmed in South Africa. Keith Urban was totally convincing. As was Lena Headey of GOT and the 300 fame.(playing a character inspired by Patti Smith) Relative newcomer Olivia Thirby steals the show.(playing a character inspired by Debra Harry) She reminded me of Starbuck at her best. I just finished my second viewing and liked it better the second time. The slow time improvement on bullet time was a significant advance in technique. One of the best comic book adaptation ever and a terrific Sci Fi movie that is totally captivating. It did not resonate with the mass audience making only about 40 million USA. Its on the bubble for a well deserved sequel. Rotten Tomatoes gave it 78% and it had widespread critical acclaim. I judge it to be a movie fans of female punk rockers, fans of Science Fiction and fans of good storytelling must see. Notable similarities to the equally well done The Raid Redemption, see them both.

Four Stars

1 comment:

  1. I grew up with the 2000AD comics when I was a kid in the late 80s when I lived in the UK, even though my mom didn't approve. I really liked this film. Generally I am not a fan of films with just shooting and OTT violence but this film did generate some childhood nostalgia as it felt closer to the comics than the horrible 90s version. BTW, Urban is a really underrated actor. I first noticed him in Star Trek 11, but didn't release he is also in the two Riddick sequels as well. He's totally unrecognisable. A great actor.
